By / July 21, 2022

Diploma of Cannabis Cultivation and Industrialization on Offer in Argentina

Argentinian province La Rioja will soon have a diploma in the “Cultivation and Industrialization of Cannabis.” It will be taught at the National University of Chilecito (Undech).

The new career path was announced by the governor, Ricardo Quintela, during a meeting with Benjamín Enric, the president of the state company Agrogenetica Riojana Sapem.

The diploma was approved in an ordinary session of the Honorable Superior Council of the University of Chilecito and will commence in the second semester of this year.

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Diploma in Partnership With Major Company

The initiative was born as a collaborative project with Sapem, which is working on commercializing cannabis oil starting in August.

The cannabis diploma will be aimed at professionals and technicians who work in cannabis agribusiness, advanced students, and people who can prove relevant prior knowledge.

Diploma Fills Specific Market Niche

The president of Agrogenetica Sapem, Benjamín Enric, was enthusiastic about the new diploma: “This means that La Rioja has its first training, which will be aimed at filling a very specific market niche. It is expected that 10,000 jobs will be generated in the first three years, and at least 1,000 jobs will be qualified.”

“Therefore, Chilecito and La Rioja are going to offer those qualified resources to attend to the development of the cannabis industry not only here but in the country,” added Enrici. In addition, she remarked that the inscriptions will last until September, and in the first four days, they have already exceeded 100 people.

The Advantages Over Other Cannabis Courses

One of the great advantages that this diploma has compared to other trainings in cannabis is that it has 70 hours of practical work in the Agrogenetics facilities and in the industrial developments that are going to be in the province.

In addition, there will not only be a theoretical part, but also work in the different stages of cultivation and industrialization that are already for a commercial purpose.

(Featured image by Emily Ranquist via Pexels)

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