
Runners Using CBD Experience Less Anxiety and Effort

Recent research shows that runners taking CBD before running can significantly decrease anxiety and the subjective feeling of effort, leading…

7 months ago

Athletes and Cannabis – Does it Aid in Recovery After Training?

A study on athletes and cannabis from Kent State University found that 93% of participants believed CBD aided in post-exercise…

1 year ago

Regular Use of Cannabis Prevents Brain Damage in Athletes

A recent study suggests regular cannabis use may alleviate the effects of head impacts on athletes. The study involved 43…

2 years ago

A Mexican doctor is studying the possible benefits of cannabis in athletes

The nutritionist, Flavio César Rivera Martínez, is conducting a study to see if small amounts of cannabis in athletes could…

5 years ago

Can marijuana help treat head trauma (CTE)?

Chronic post-traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a neurodegenerative disorder that occurs in people with multiple head injuries. Symptoms include behavioral problems,…

5 years ago

Marijuana’s effects on the body and brain

Some people find cannabis healthy, considering it to be an analgesic. However, there are some effects from marijuana that affect…

5 years ago

Study finds that 26% of athletes use cannabis

Pain, Exercise, and Cannabis Experience (PEACE) conducted a study about adult athletes' frequency of cannabis use. Results showed that 26%…

6 years ago

CBD a godsend for athletes suffering from long-term injuries

CBD, or cannabidiol, in particular, has become popular with athletes. CBD has anti-inflammatory properties that help regulate pain, something that…

6 years ago