cannabis use

Regular Cannabis Use by Young Adults Linked to Improved Cognitive Function

A recent study found that regular cannabis use by young adults found that regular cannabis users showed improved neurocognition and…

1 year ago

The Same Genetics May Influence Cannabis Use and Psychiatric Disorders

New findings suggest a shared genetic basis for cannabis use and mental disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The findings,…

2 years ago

Cannabis in Prison: Bans Cause More Harm Than Good

While there are no official surveys on cannabis in prison, a French regional study conducted in the 2010s suggests that…

2 years ago

Spanish Cannabis Study Finds Long-term Use Has No Negative Health Effects

The results of a recent Spanish cannabis study on cannabis use habits, which analyzed data from 600,000 Spanish residents who…

2 years ago

During the pandemic, Colombians reduced alcohol consumption and increased cannabis use

Colombia has one of the highest percentages of cannabis use per person in the world. A study conducted during the…

4 years ago

New study on cannabis use in retirement

A new study investigating the use of cannabis amongst the elderly population has been released. Making enquiries into the use…

4 years ago

Argentina is experiencing a boom in the use of cannabis oil for medical purposes

According to the latest data gathered by the University of Rosario (UNR), the use of cannabis oil in Argentina has…

5 years ago

Cannabis and it’s possible effects on consumers’ mental health

The Miami Valley Hospital focused its efforts into a research that looks to unveil the potential negative effects that cannabis…

5 years ago

Cannabis consumption in Japan rises among young people

In the past years, cannabis consumption in Japan has increased considerably among young people, but the society still considers it…

5 years ago

The NFL is considering a series of changes to its cannabis policy

A new set of changes are being made thanks to the National Football League’s Collective Bargaining Agreement, which contemplates a…

5 years ago