British Researchers Publish Initial Findings on Cannabis and Long COVID

British researchers have found that CBD-dominant cannabis-based medicine is safe and well-tolerated for managing long COVID symptoms, based on a…

11 months ago

COVID-19 and Cannabis: Potential for Prevention and Reduction of Severity

Recent studies have shown cannabinoids may reduce the severity of COVID-19, offering potential benefits in preventing infection and treating long-term…

12 months ago

NASA Employee Financed Illegal Cannabis Cultivation with Pandemic Support Funds

A NASA-JPL employee admitted to misusing COVID support funds for cannabis cultivation and personal debts. He now faces a potential…

1 year ago

Cannabis Users Were Less Likely to End up in ICU for Covid-19

A new study looking at the ICU admission rates of Covid-19 patients in hospitals has revealed that cannabis users were…

2 years ago

Molecules extracted from Cannabis show promise combating Covid-19

Researchers in the USA may have identified a pair of molecules helpful in the fight against covid-19 and the ongoing…

3 years ago

CBD from cannabis reduces COVID-19 lung damage

Since the beginning of the global coronavirus pandemic that swept across the globe, countless scientists have been rabidly researching the…

4 years ago

Colombia focusing on cannabis as a treatment for COVID-19

The world is in a race for a coronavirus vaccine, but in the meantime scientists around the world are looking…

4 years ago

Smoking cannabis could worsen COVID-19 symptoms

As the lockdown continues due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, smoking cannabis has become a viable option for…

5 years ago

Cannabis as a possible complementary treatment to COVID-19

COVID-19 keeps spreading and infecting a lot of people. Consequently, researchers are looking for a way to combat the pandemic.…

5 years ago

Could cannabis-based drugs against COPD also treat COVID-19 symptoms?

In the face of growing fears about the international spreading of the new strain of coronavirus, more and more people…

5 years ago