industrial hemp

Will Argentina’s Economic Recovery be Powered by Hemp and Medicinal Cannabis?

Argentina’s Minister of Productive Development Mathias Kulfas has once again taken to the podium to congratulate the country on its…

4 years ago

Argentina’s Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Bill Enters the Senate

Argentina is in the process of passing new legislation that would pave the way for a medical cannabis and hemp…

4 years ago

La Rioja advances their project for the industrial development of medical cannabis

In Argentina’s La Rioja region, medical cannabis offers a unique set of opportunities and advantages. State-sanctioned production of medical-grade cannabis-derived…

4 years ago

Hemp legalization could be the start of an economic revolution in Colombia

When talking about cannabis people often link it with medical applications, but one of its subspecies, hemp, could be the…

4 years ago

Catalonia is experiencing an exponential growth in hemp plantations

The Catalonian Department of Agriculture has shown that registrations for hemp plantations increased from 6 to 300 hectares in the…

4 years ago

Hemp legalization will bring many benefits to Mexico’s economy

Cannabis legalization has become a hot topic in Mexico, after its president asked the senate to push forward the project…

5 years ago

Portugal’s government approves a decree allowing hemp cultivation

After recognizing the economic and agricultural potential of the cannabis plant, the Portuguese government announced the approval of a decree…

5 years ago

The first hemp export from Uruguay to Switzerland was completed by Cplant

In the past couple of years, Uruguay’s cannabis market has been held back by some of the initial regulations that…

5 years ago

Seed bank in Uruguay launches a new versatile cannabis variety

Monlag, an adaptable new cannabis variety, has been internationally certified by the National Seed Institute of Uruguay. This new variety,…

5 years ago

Uzbekistan focuses on unprecedented industrial hemp project

The Republic of Uzbekistan has a long standing relation with cannabis and hemp, and now the government is planning to…

5 years ago