medicinal cannabis

Cannabis Bill: Justice now Offers Guarantees

A recent cannabis bill (399/15) provides for the legalization of the cultivation of medical cannabis will extend authorization to companies…

3 years ago

Spanish Congress comparative study on legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes

The Spanish Government’s tentative approach to cannabis legalization has just taken another baby step, if one in the right direction.…

4 years ago

Cannabis Industry Project In Argentine: Government Presents A Plan

The Argentine government will present a new regulatory framework for the development of the industrial and medical cannabis industry in…

4 years ago

Facts and myths about medical cannabis in Poland

Pain management societies around the world recognize and recommend cannabis for its proven efficacy in the treatment of chronic pain.…

5 years ago

Medical cannabis now prescribed by UK physicians

On Nov. 1, doctors in England, Wales and Scotland can prescribe medical cannabis, according to the announcement made by Home…

6 years ago