The synergistic relationship of CBD and THC

THC is well-known for its uplifting body and mental high that helps provide relief and relaxation for many cannabis enthusiasts…

6 years ago

Hemp association funds hemp cultivation in Uttarakhand

The Indian Industrial Hemp Association (IIHA) announced on Oct. 22 that it will invest for the cultivation of hemp in…

6 years ago

How to get into the billion-dollar CBD enterprise

What used to be a taboo product is now being viewed as a powerful substance for a number of major…

6 years ago

Hemp-derived CBD could be the answer for sleep disorders plaguing society

Sleep disorders can have a serious impact on health and the ability to focus. With 50-70 million adults in the…

6 years ago

Getting into the CBD business: Where to start

The cannabidiol (CBD) industry literally has a billion-dollar future in the next four years thanks to continued market acceptance and…

6 years ago

Oregon hemp farmers expect massive growth in the industry

Currently, about 11,000 acres of land is for hemp in Oregon, and the state has doubled its hemp production over…

6 years ago

Wisconsin farmers are ready for next hemp growing season

Wisconsin farmers are more interested in the hemp growing industry after the 2018 growing season just concluded. There is a…

6 years ago

Australia holds startups back from producing hemp products

The hemp industry is expanding as more countries become open to the application of this crop. In 2017, Australia amended…

6 years ago

Space Tango creates a subsidiary to grow hemp in space

Space Tango, a space company based in Kentucky that specializes in the research and manufacturing of microgravity environments, announced that…

6 years ago

Thanks to the new Farm Bill, you can now invest in hemp

The recent progress on hemp regulations has more companies to invest in hemp. In June, the U.S. Senate approved a…

6 years ago