France’s Medical Cannabis Study Takes the First Step

France's medical cannabis study is progressing well, despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic that's causing some interruptions, with the first round…

3 years ago

CBD: Everything You Need or Want to Know

With the recent developments around CBD legalization in France, online and bricks and mortar retailers are flourishing all over the…

3 years ago

CBD Cannabis Culture in France’s Pyrénées-Orientales

Following the EU's ruling that France's CBD band was illegal, the CBD market in France has been rapidly evolving. The…

3 years ago

Women’s Health and Cannabis Molecules

Cannabis and its component molecules are increasingly being researched for their medical uses and health benefits. THC and CBD need…

3 years ago

Researchers investigate how cannabis consumption affect sperm of patients

A study made by the Harvard Medical School has concluded that sperm in long term cannabis users could contain Tetrahydrocannabinol…

4 years ago

The Polish Ministry of Healths lack of knowledge about THC blood levels

The Polish Deputy Minister, Jozef Szczurek-Zelazko, said that there is no scientific development to determine the limit of THC in…

5 years ago

Delta-8-THC believed to have unique healing properties

Cannabis plants produce delta 9 THC and delta 8 THC. The latter is the kind of cannabinoid which occurs rarely.…

5 years ago

Therapeutic cannabis in the Philippines towards legalization

The Philippine House of Representatives approved the therapeutic use of cannabis. For the regulations to take effect, the Senate must…

5 years ago

Cannabis oil is being released in 100 pharmacies across Belgium

CBD oils are increasing in popularity. The legalization of medical and recreational cannabis is drawing interest from patients who are…

5 years ago

Canadian cannabis consumption tests higher in eastern cities

Wondering what Canadian cannabis consumption is like after legalization? This test has delivered some findings on the population of the…

5 years ago