
A town in Cordoba is promoting a medical cannabis cultivation project

A commune of the Calamuchita Valley, located in the Cordoba region of Argentina, is currently in the final planning phase…

5 years ago

Argentina is experiencing a boom in the use of cannabis oil for medical purposes

According to the latest data gathered by the University of Rosario (UNR), the use of cannabis oil in Argentina has…

5 years ago

An Argentine province wants to implement a medical cannabis card

Argentina keeps proposing new initiatives to ease the current restrictions on cannabis. Santa Fe, a province in the Latin American…

5 years ago

An Argentine veterinary is prescribing cannabis as a treatment for pets

An Argentine veterinarian is showing the world the benefits that cannabis could have, not only in humans but also in…

5 years ago

More than half of Argentines are in favor of cannabis legalization

As the global cannabis market keeps expanding at a rapid pace, many people around the world are starting to change…

5 years ago

Argentina to soon produce its first cannabis-based medical oil

While the political debate about the legalization of cannabis in Argentina is in limbo due to the pandemic, the country…

5 years ago

Argentinian cannabis patients are struggling due to strict lockdowns

Medical cannabis patients in Argentina are having a bad time finding the necessary products during the strict lockdowns imposed by…

5 years ago

Suarez management started its bet on medical cannabis

Cannabis cultivation and the production of cannabis oil for medical use are part of one of the projects that Rodolfo…

5 years ago

People in Argentina can’t safely access cannabis

The National Senate passed the medical cannabis law in 2017 in Argentina, bringing cannabis oil into the legal framework. Two…

5 years ago

Marijuana legalization and decriminalization around the world

In Canada, policymakers are working on legislation to protect young people and allow adults to use the drug for recreational…

5 years ago